Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I was driving home today listening to NPR.. (i love listening to NPR, I wish I could get it on my work computer, but alas, the place of work would rather have me listening to my ipod) and they were reporting on what our great Governor here in Georgia wants to do help health care.
His plan was to invest more in to Health Savings plans with High deductibles. He thinks this will help people take better care of them selves and therefor reduce the amount of monies spent on health care.
I am sure that having Health Savings plans would reduce the over all costs off health care not because people take better care of them selves, but because they would go to the doctors less! or just not deal with issues until the issues are acute.
Because taking 'better care of your self' will get rid of all your health issues.. Because you know.. eating more salmon.. and exercising daily would of stop the thyroid cancer and gallstones before the age of 30? Or maybe just genetics...

I am all for people taking more responsibility for them selves and their health.. but to say that people taking better care of them selves will solve the health care issues is BS

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