Wednesday, June 25, 2008

why why why!?

Why am I not no smart?

I believe the doctors when they say I have to take the synthroid to do what my thyroid did before it tried to kill me. I am anal about taking it. I count the little pills like they are gold. I used to stay awake and think how long could I survive if I could no longer get my hands on them. I have never forgotten a pill in over 3 years.

But why do I not believe doctors when they tell me that I need to take welchol daily to not sprint to the Water closet screaming GET OUT OF MY WAY like a bat out of hell! I cannot count how many days I forget to take it. And then I sit at work and think.. I am DUMB and then have to skip lunch so that I can go to my afternoon meetings. Tomorrow a big pile is coming to work with me. Hopefully I will remember to take it. Daily. (and yes.. i have the pill reminders and i have my phone set to remind me.. but i still forget... probably because I have to take it with food..)

1 comment:

dad said...

I have the same issue, I for years forgot to take my other pills while planning how much longer I could outlive people because I had my thyroid pills. I still forget the others sometimes but I too have a supply in my computer bag.