Sunday, June 22, 2008


I am still trying hard to cling to some vacation mojo. I am trying very hard to remember the sense of peace and well being I felt the entire time I was in Mexico.

I had a truly fabulous trip.. and I am currently combing the globalX site to figure out where to go next summer. I think I want to go either back to Latin America or Spain... So I will have an excuse to learn Spanish.

The one long lasting change may be in what I eat. I am giving some serious consideration radically changing my diet and drop almost all meat. We ate so much meat while that I felt puffy and bloated and my ankles got swollen. I have not had any meat since last Sunday.. and I have not missed it. and I got a book on vegetarian eating. I think it might the change I need. Lunch and breakfasts have been easy.. but I am still struggling on what to eat for dinner. Hopefully this book will help. And next week my friend Jennifer is going to give me a DVD to borrow that should help. But I know that I am going to need to figure out quickly how to get some protein besides in Peanut butter.


MMH said...

Soy products! Tofu (soft, firm, silken, fermented, etc), tempeh, edamame

Plus, other types of nuts. You just have to make sure you're getting all the essential amino acids that you would have gotten in the meat.

S said...

Hi Molly! Just stopping by to check out your blog and say hello.

If you're interested, read the book Fast Food Nation. That turned me vegetarian in about 3 chapters. Actually that turned me vegan. :-)

But my love of cheese prevents me from long-term veganism. I still recommend the book. And if you need recipes, go to You can search by ingredient or ethnic cuisine or meal type or whatever, and you can save recipes and generate shopping lists...

Ok, enough from me. Good luck with everything!

- Sarah Ockler

MAH said...

Tonight I started my great experiment with Tofu... It is not too bad.

MMH said...

The big thing that I think makes a difference is to press some of the liquid out of the firm tofu. It gives it a better texture. I've made fajitas with it and MTH loved it. My sister has tried more dishes than me so she would be a good resource too.

MAH said...

good tip! I will have to shot S an email and see if she can send me some tips. maby i will give B a call too.