Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Warning.. the below post is a TMI.. A post with Too much Information..
If you have a weak stomach.. or you just don't want to know one of the more gross facts about me.. stop reading now!

Ok.. you were warned.

I have a pretty weak stomach.. not meaning i cannot stand to look at gross things.. but bugs do give me the hibby gibbies (spelling), but meaning my stomach and the rest of the digestive tract does not deal with change well.

Before I had my gall bladder removed it was a tad bit wonky.. but after the gall bladder and all that came along with that... it is officially broken. I have a condition called Bile Salt D.. (http://www.gihealth.com/html/education/bilesaltDiarrhea.html) (sorry I know it is gross.. but trying living with it daily). Luckily it is pretty easy to control.. (after it was diagnosed that is and it took about a year for them to diagnose it.. imagine having D every day for a year.. it actually inflamed my internal organs.. which was pretty painful.) I take one little welchol a day... (which is actually a medicine used to control cholesterol) and I am normally fine.. Normal, being as long as I do not introduce any new and exotic foods.

So I am really afraid of how my system will react to days upon days of new and exotic foods and stress in Mexico. Mexico which is known to cause havoc on 'normal' digestive tracks. I may just have to pull a Charlotte and eat pudding all week long.

I have tried to warn the people I am traveling with.. but how in polite conversation mention the fact that you suffer from a condition that can cause chronic and life long D?

So, please pray for me.. and my digestive track next week.. and pray I dont become an expert at saying ?Hay bano? or ?Donde esta el bano?

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